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Title: Comparative Study on the Ascorbic Acid Content of Some Common Nigerian Vegetables (Solanum gilo, Gnetum africanum, Gongomera latifolium, and Vernonia amygalina)
Authors: Enemo, R.E
Ekpunobi, U.E.
Nnubia, D
Onuegbu, T.U.
Keywords: ascorbic acid blanching
Issue Date: Nov-2010
Publisher: The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology
Citation: The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 11. Number 2
Abstract: The ascorbic acid content of some commonly eaten vegetables in South Eastern State of Nigeria was measured using the titrimetric method with 2,6–dichlorophenol solution. Ascorbic acid content of the vegetables in fresh, air dried, and blanched formed was determined and compared with a standard. From the results, fresh Solanum gilo gave the highest content of 180.27mg/100g, while fresh Gnetum africanum gave the lowest content of 97.68mg/100g. When these vegetables were blanched, Solanum gilo exchanged its position with Gnetum africanum with percentage loss of 96.29% and 92.29%, respectively, while others maintained theirs. The corresponding looses when these vegetables were air dried followed the trend in fresh ones. The method of determination was cheap, accurate, and can be used for routine analysis.
Description: Scholarly Work
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works

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